Sunday, October 17, 2004

Did Bush cheat in the debates?

There is a lot of speculation that President Bush was wearing a transceiver and receiving coaching during the debates.

Yogi Bera once said you can observe a lot by looking, and there is clearly a noticable bulge beneath the President's jacket during the debates (See here). The Whitehouse, via President Bush's French (hem hem) tailor, explained that the bulge was a "pucker". Pucker my arse!

In the President's defense it could be something like a buckle on a gun holster or a pack of playing cards. Maybe he put an energy bar back there for later (he is a biker). I suppose it could also be 1099 free hours of AOL 9.0. Perhaps it is a frequency scrambling device to jam remote-controlled bombs. In reality it could be a lot of things, but it is decidedly not a "pucker".

I don't know if this is worth big media attention or not. There was clearly something there and the Whitehouse is being shifty about providing an explanation.

I don't suppose anyone recorded the 216 to 217 MHz band during the debates? That might provide interesting clues.

Well, anyway, here is an editorial on the subject.

What's on his back?

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"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Charles Darwin