Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Pauline Robinson Bush

The way the Bush family reacted when Pauline Robinson Bush died on October 11, 1953 is something that might help to explain the President's personal disconnect from humanity in the wake of Katrina.

It turns out that the young George W. Bush was kept in the dark about his little sister's leukemia, was told to stop playing with her, not present when Robin died, nor taken to the funeral. The day after the funeral George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush reportedly spent time golfing in Rye.

I forget that sometimes.

No wonder he had no empathy for the victims of Katrina.

About Robin Bush

Recalling this musters up symptoms of compassion for the President in my bunkered heart.


My sympathy for the President doesn't usually last long. No longer, in fact, than it takes me to recall that stem cell research is an avenue of hope for those suffering with leukemia today.

The president's position on stem cell research is well known.


Anonymous said...

You seem quick to judge a young family whose parents were in their 20s at the time their 3 year old daughter died. You have several facts either incorrect or twisted to push your agenda.

The Bushs moved Robin from Midland, TX to New York immediately after hearing that she had leukemia so she could see a specialist. The doctor in Texas gave Robin days to live, so George and Jeb did not accompany Robin and the elder Bushs on the trip. George H. W. and Barbara were both at her side in New York when Robin passed away.

Leukemia took the Bush's precious daughter's life so quickly and unexpectedly that they donated her body to science to help find a cure for the awful disease. They did this to honor her life, so they did not have a funeral service. Prescott Bush, Robin's grandfather, bought a small headstone and they had it placed in the family plot in Greenwich. It was later moved to the family plot at the presidential library in Texas.

George W was only 7 at the time of Robin's death and his parents did not tell him of his sister's death immediately to protect him and soften the blow of losing her. Jeb wasn't even 1 yet. What an awful time in their family's history and how callous of you to speak of something you nothing about. What a hypocrite you are!

Anonymous said...

I would just like to respond by saying that the book, "Bush on the Couch" by Justin A. Frank backs up my claims. You can view the relevant information via Google Books here:,M1

I admit my comments were callous, but after the Bush response to Katrina I feel he has me handily beat in that department.

Foot Quotes

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Charles Darwin