I think that things are going very well for Kerry and the Democrats and that it is time to let optimism into your hearts. I say this for many reasons:
1. Since shortly after September 11th Bush's popularity has mostly held or dropped. It got a mediocre bump in June, but is sinking again: Carville grinds numbers. His current rating is at about 47% and it is damn difficult for an incumbent to raise those numbers (see Bush, George, H.W.).
2. Prominent Republicans, most recently Sen. Lincoln Chafee, continue to publicly criticize the Bush administration.
3. Ron Reagan spoke at the Democratic National Convention and Nancy Reagan declined an invitation to the Republican National Convention (even though Ronald Reagan will be honored). Reagan's adoring fans, of which many are Republicans, cannot fail to notice this.
4. Kerry has raised the money he needs and the Democrats are united. The Democrats are not ignoring the minority vote this time and that will give them strength at the polls.
5. Americans know that Bush's unpopularity is the reason our tradional allies are staying away. Americans remember Clinton was cheered in Ireland.
6. George Bush turned a surplus into our largest deficit ever. He has never put the brakes on spending and he never paid for his tax cuts. This erodes support among fiscal conservatives of which there are many in his party. It doesn't hurt that Clinton's economy created 22 million jobs in 8 years, while Bush will be lucky to break even.
7. He has been an abominable steward of the environment. This will erode support among hunting/fishing Republicans, of which there are many in his party, not to mention the people he lied to about reducing CO2 during his campaign.
8. Bush has lied to his own party members on the prescription drug bill and on Iraq reconstruction "paying for itself". Lies do not beget loyalty.
9. Jr. is using Sr's losing game plan, calling Kerry a flip-flopper and pretending the economy is in great shape. His negative attacks set the bar real low for Kerry, who will exceed them when he speaks Thursday night by far. Also, anybody out of work in the Bush economy will not be swayed by happy talk. It's still the economy stupid.
10. Michael Moore's movie has now grossed more than 100 million dollars. It will not escape movie-goers that Bush is on vacation yet again.
11. Bush didn't win the popular vote when people thought he was humble, compassionate, and a uniter. Now that this fraud is exposed he will be held accountable for it. Americans don't like to be lied to (see Nixon, Richard).
Finally, forget about the angry dog Republicans. Nothing you can say, do, or prove will influence them. Their rabid support actually helps Kerry paint Bush as a radical. Jerry Falwell blamed 911 on lesbians and this kind of bile is not mainstream and it is all Bush has left.
If anyone has occasion to smile it is Democrats. As Bill Clinton said, "Our way works better. It does"
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