Wednesday, April 06, 2005

A look at Falluja

I have a friend that likes to say, "You always get the government you deserve." His meaning, I take it, is that a government will only answer to the people when it has to, and that when the people don't demand justice a government won't offer it.

I think a lot about that statement when I hear the stories coming out of Iraq, and specifically out of places like Falluja. What kind of government will repay our collective indifference to the heavy-handed operations taking place in Iraqi cities such as Falluja?

To hell and back

At least half of the casualties of war are usually children. Do you ever think of them as collateral damage instead?

The Pope, upon whose vestments Republicans now cling like barnacles, condemned the invasion of Iraq as unjust. Do you ever think of our efforts there as "defending freedom" instead?

Most of the fighters in Iraq are actually Iraqis trying to repel a foreign army (us). Do you think of them as "insurgents" instead?

What kind of government do you deserve?

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Foot Quotes

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Charles Darwin