Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Solomon says

I thought I might read the Bible since so many politicians these days wield it like an implement of division. I have a copy of the Oxford Annotated Bible and opened it up to read from the Wisdom of Solomon, a section of which deals mostly with fear. His warnings can be made relevant today with a little imagination:

"For when lawless people (see "Geneva Conventions", "Rendered quaint") supposed that they held the holy nation in their power, they themselves lay as captives of darkness and prisoners of long night, shut in under their roofs, exiles from eternal providence.

For, thinking that in their secret sins they were unobserved behind a dark curtain of forgetfulness, they were scattered, terribly alarmed, and appalled by specters.

For, not even the inner chamber (see "Undisclosed location") that held them protected them from fear, but terrifying sounds rang out around them (see "No blood for oil!"), and dismal phantoms with gloomy faces appeared (see John Kerry).

And, no power of fire was able to give light, nor did the brilliant flames of the stars avail to illumine that hateful night. Nothing was shining through to them except a dreadful, self-kindled fire, and in terror they deemed the things that they saw to be worse than that unseen appearance."

Wisdom of Solomon, 17.1-17.11

And, interestingly, here is Solomon's (see 17.12) definition of fear:

"Fear is nothing but a giving up of the helps that come from reason, and hope, defeated by this inward weakness, PREFERS ignorance (see Bush, reelection) of what causes the torment. But throughout the night, which was really powerless and which came upon them from the recesses of powerless Hades, they all slept the same sleep, and now were driven in monstrous specters, and now were paralyzed by their souls' surrender; for sudden and unexpected fear overwhelmed them (Syria, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Osama, market crashes, gay people, WMDs, mad cow, mad goat, Avian flu, drugs, and on and on and on....).

And, whoever was there fell down, and thus was kept shut up in a prison not made of iron; for whether they were farmers or shepherds or workers who toiled in the wilderness, they were seized, and endured the inescapable fate (death?); for with one chain of darkness they all were bound.

It sounds to me like Solomon didn't have much respect for the types of men that chased after imaginary threats.

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Foot Quotes

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Charles Darwin