Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Clearing muddy water

I periodically like to post polling papers by James Carville's Democracy Corps organization because I think:

A) Carville knows his trade
B) Democracy Corps clarifies muddy waters

Here is their latest analysis of the battle for Pennsylvania Avenue:

Neck and Neck

The short version of their analysis is a statistical dead heat, with each candidate having exhausted their convention bounce. In other words, it'll be a close race.

The upcoming Presidential debates (starting Thursday night) ought to help Kerry syphon off the undecideds, since he was a founder of the John Winant Society (they debate issues) while Bush was a male Cheerleader and avid beer-tipper.

I would advise John Kerry to adopt the words of James Carville while debating President Bush, "If your opponent is drowning, throw him an anchor." I would also advise that he fires anybody that recommends kid gloves with President Bush. You must attack him, kick him when he's down, and call him a whiner when he complains.

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"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Charles Darwin