Wednesday, August 18, 2004

When will they learn?

There is a scenario unfolding now that manages to be desperate, pathetic, and counter-productive all at the same time. Predictably a call is going out to boycott Bruce Springstein, because he is working to defeat President Bush. Predictably it will: 1. Draw more attention to Bruce and his message. 2. Draw more fans to Bruce and his message. 3. Increase his record sales.

This is a lesson the Republicans haven't learned with Michael Moore, and it is a lesson the Democrats haven't learned with Ralph Nader. Censorship always backfires in America for the simple reason that Americans don't like censorship or it's champions. Secondly it buys some very expensive media coverage for Bruce at no cost to him (i.e. your reading more about it right now).

Calls for Boss boycott

You'll see. This happens every single time in America, it is one of the things I like best about it. If I were Bruce I'd link to the article from my sight and huff with indignation at the affront.

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Foot Quotes

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Charles Darwin