Monday, August 23, 2004

America can do better

It was George Bush's attacks on John McCain's military record that first tipped me off to W's lack of sincerity when he proposed restoring honor and dignity to the Whitehouse.

I remember the moment John McCain told George Bush he ought to be ashamed of himself and so does the campaign of John Kerry. Here is their latest ad which features the memorable scene:

Old Tricks

Nobody should get away with disparaging the service of Veterans, especially the commander in chief, and especially during time of war.

We have a president without shame or honor. I cannot wait to cast my vote against him. In fact I consider it my duty as an American.

ADDENDUM: Apparently he does have shame, see Good for you George. I shall have to adjust my opinion of him upwards and am glad of the chance to do so.

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Foot Quotes

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Charles Darwin