Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The one that got away

The more I learn about John Edwards the more I harbor the distinct feeling that he is "the one that got away".

I understand that he's young.

I understand he talks in that condescending style (which I personally cannot stand).

I understand that he has a lawyers smile.

But, he is a tireless advocate for people less fortunate, and if you believe the Bible fighting poverty makes Jesus happy.

If you take the time to read "The America We Believe In" perhaps you will wind up feeling as I do. That here is the man we should have elected, not Bush.

We all know there are two Americas.

But do we know how bad it is for, say, those claiming an Earned Income Tax Credit?

John does.

And he has simple effective ideas to turn things around, which he calls a "working society".

The America We Believe In

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have always been impressed by Edwards' ideas. And, he is not young... he looks young, but he is not. He is 52 years old for crying out loud. And, by '08, he'll be 55... dubya's age and older than most of our most successful presidents. So, I don't understand why the age thing is always used against him. He has a short political career, that's for sure... but young? Nah.

Foot Quotes

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Charles Darwin