Friday, January 13, 2006


I get worried when I find myself in agreement with fundamentalist Christians about anything.

One concept that I do agree with, however, is that moral relativism cannot be True.

My reason for sharing this belief was elegantly phrased by Plato and goes like this:

Relativism is the view that there is no Truth.
Can relativism be True, then, if it exists?

You can probably see where this is headed?

A fundamentalist Christian follows a doctrine.
A doctrine must dismiss Truth when Truth contradicts.
Dismissing Truth is practicing Relativism, since relativism is the view that there is no Truth.
Therefore a doctrine-following fundamentalist Christian practices relativism.

I suppose a fundamentalist Christian would argue that their doctrine is always True.

That is where we part company.

There is too much evidence available for me to believe the earth is 10,000 years old.

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Foot Quotes

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Charles Darwin