Saturday, March 05, 2005


Today I find myself wondering why Conservatives are always railing against Hollywood. If you ask me, Hollywood has done more to promote democracy abroad than any war ever has.

Do Conservatives think our culture spreads on the merit of our political leaders?

Do Conservatives think that Hollywood played no role in brining down the iron curtain?

Who else but Hollywood could reach the masses under Communism's jack boot and stir thoughts of liberty? Who else could show them that, by comparison, their lives were unfulfilling?

Is there any more popular Republican politician than Arnold the Barbarian?

What gave Ronald Reagan his mass appeal but Hollywood's long reach?

Yet, to listen to Conservatives talk they'd rather capture a latte drinking Hollywood movie star than Osama bin Forgotten.

Why is that?

Why don't democrats ask someone like Tom Brokaw, Oprah Winfrey, or John Redford to run? Are they blind to the success rate of Sony Bono, Ronald Reagan, Arnold, and Jesse Ventura?

Americans love Hollywood movie stars. They love to watch them, talk about them, and vote for them, and when in Rome democrats ought to wear sandals.

As for the latte drinkers, I view any ingredient other than coffee in my coffee as pollution, yet I tolerate Conservatives across the aisle that put sugar and cream in their cup (how elitist!).

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"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Charles Darwin