Thursday, January 20, 2005

What mandate?

With sharp-shooters, closed city blocks, military parades, anti-aircraft guns, overhead jets, machine-gun nests, and an army of agents, Washington will resemble a May-day parade in Moscow as President Bush takes the oath of office today. You would think that a mandate-holding man of the people would not need such protection, but he seems to have more to fear than fear itself.

Speaking of mandate, or the authority to command inferiors, the folks over at Not in My Name intend to gently remind President Bush that this is America and we have done away with the tyranny of kings. On Friday, the first full day of President Bush's second term, this message will be published in the New York Times:

Welcome back George

It also seems a fitting moment to remind readers that this President has less public support (at 49% according to NYT and CBS news) than any returning American President in 50 years. In other words, mandate my arse!

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"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Charles Darwin