Monday, December 13, 2004

Seven US Marines die

The happy talk from the Bush administration gets jollier and jollier with images of "free elections" and "a free Iraq" dancing in their heads.

This is contrasted rather abrasively by reality on the ground as 7 US Marines died in combat in Anbar province and there was also a suicide bombing at the Green Zone gates:

Path of my urn

I am terribly worried about our forces in Iraq since they are led by a President that appears more focused on the state of steroids in baseball than developing an exit strategy for Iraq:

Clean up baseball, leave Iraq in shambles

When will we see an exit strategy?
When will we increase the size of our military?
What blunder is big enough to get Donald Rumsfailed "retired"?

Killing is against all religions that I know of, and rather unambiguously at that. Yet, when will our moral leaders walk the walk?

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Foot Quotes

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Charles Darwin