Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dieting Dunno Work

Between 1980 and 2000, the proportion of obese Americans has doubled, from 15 to 31 per cent of the population.

Source: Diet Study

Only one in seven Americans exercises enough and eats enough fruits and vegetables, and men are worse than women...

Source: Dumb-eatin' sloths?

I read an article in the Scientific American recently which said if you want to diet you should think about what you can add to your diet that is healthy (i.e. vegetables), rather than focus on what you are taking away (i.e. Whoopie Pies and beer).

Maybe a genetic bio-engineer needs to make vegetables taste like whoopie pies so the kids will eat 'em?

The diet I use is to drink strong black coffee (no sugar and no cream - it must be black). I believe it keeps my heart-rate up as if I were exercising without all the arm-waving, knee-pounding, bother of moving around. Since caffeine is also a well-known appetite suppressant I believe I am getting a double health benefit.

I am told that a variant of this diet includes smoking cigarettes as well, but have not tried that. Perhaps this adds additional strain (or exercise) on the ol' ticker with each rattling breath.

If you Google it you will find it: Coffee and weight loss

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"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Charles Darwin