Thursday, October 12, 2006

Democracy's Garrison

Not so long ago people like Garrison Keillor embodied American values and ideals. Here's a man that came from nothing but through talent and hard work and imagination built up an audience for his old-time radio show called, "prairie Home Companion".

With the advent of president Bush and his devoted throngs of communist-style yes-men America is becoming something monstrous in the eyes of people like Garrison.

I thought of him doing his radio show and it struck me that his name is appropriate. He has built a garrison, a refuge, for the type of American values that have always defined us.

In this editorial Garrison seems to have reached the same level of disgust as myself with senators (it seems unworthy of capitalization anymore) that voted to grant president Bush the power to torture. This American values icon, this kind, hard-working, Beauty-appreciating man frets in a land where the love of Truth grows colder every day.

Congress's Shameful Retreat From American Values

Halliburton is building prisons on American soil.

The president now has the totalitarian power to disappear people.

Aren't we giving up too much to these machine men with machine hearts and machine minds?

Will Americans make a stand?

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Foot Quotes

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Charles Darwin