Thursday, June 01, 2006

'Granny D' on youth

This speech by Doris "Granny D" Haddock discusses a dark and a bright future for the looming environmental crisis.

Voices of experience?

Both scenarios start with Mother Nature (or Lover Nature as I prefer to call her) doling out an age of consequences and the difference between the two futures will rely on our responses.

Will the entrenched politicians react badly and enslave the masses in gigantic police states, building their thrones upon sinking ships rather than seeking the dry land of a harmonious life?

Hopefully not.

Dorris feels the way to make a bright future possible is to empower the young.

Since about 1945 human beings have been born into a world that could be destroyed at any moment in a number of different calamities. I sometimes wonder if the reason we have Reason is because of this moment.

I don't think the eon-taking process of evolution is adequate to save humanity. If we continue to ignore Reason (the scientific community) we will perish as fools. That process has already begun. The glaciers are melting, the oceans are rising, the weather is starting to change, the sky isn't quite as blue as it used to be, the vistas not quite as clear.

When I am confronted with a global-warming denier I like to point out something irrefutable. Mercury is closer to the Sun than Venus, yet Venus is hotter (hot enough to melt lead on its' surface). The reason for this is Venus has an atmosphere with a lot of Carbon in it.

I sometimes wonder what they think when they look up in the night sky and see sparkling Venus. Couldn't it be that the God they admire so much put Venus there specifically to draw attention to the dangers of global warming?

People are attracted to beautiful things aren't they?

Venus rhymes with Penis
and hangs low in the sky.
It does not need Viagra to
attract my naked eye.

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Foot Quotes

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Charles Darwin