Tuesday, November 22, 2005

False assumptions

If you believe the Bush administration it is "corrupt and shameless" to "rewrite history" and suggest that the vice president misled us when he said: "I continue to believe. I think there's overwhelming evidence that there was a connection between al-Qaeda and the Iraqi government." (Morning Edition, NPR 1/22/2004)

Going on and on and on is all too easy, but let me rekindle a few more Dick Cheney gems:

"We will, of course, be welcomed as liberators."

"They [Iraq] continue to pursue an aggressive nuclear weapons program." (Vice President Honors Veterans of Korean War, White House 8/29/2002)

Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us. (Vice President Speaks at VFW 103rd National Convention, White House 8/26/2002)

His regime aids and protects terrorists, including members of al Qaeda. He could decide secretly to provide weapons of mass destruction to terrorists for use against us.
(Vice President's Remarks at 30th Political Action Conference, White House 1/30/2003)

Am I rewriting history, or are you rereading it?

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Foot Quotes

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Charles Darwin